Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Never Ending War on Terror

Well the terrorists had a new idea and a new way to threaten us. Now, even though they did not get to put their idea into operation, we have new restrictions and new security measures forever more.

Next month or maybe in six months they will come up with still another idea and we will have still more security measures to watch for that. These security measures are cumulative. Pretty soon you will not be able to turn around without a Federal officer approving.

This is just not working. We cannot successfully defend ourselves from our enemies by security measures. We also cannot kill all our potential enemies because we are making new ones at breakneck speed. Every time we kill someone at a checkpoint in Baghdad or Israel kills a Lebanese civilian with our "precision" arms we make enemies of the entire extended family of the victims. We are definitely losing ground in the War on Terror.

We have to stop creating enemies. That means that we must withdraw from Iraq and apologize profusely for invading in the first place. We have to stop supplying weapons to any side in the Arab-Israeli war and pressure both sides for a permanent cease fire. Israel is more likely to agree to that if they are convinced that American armament will no longer be free flowing.

We also better stop believing the President and his minions. "They" do not hate us for our freedoms. "They" hate us for our actions that cost the lives of their compatriots. Tit for Tat is a child's game. It is not for adults who use real guns and real bombs.


Jason E. Peck said...

As long as there is 1 rifle, 1 bullet, and 1 crazy person in the world, there will be terrorism.

We are subject to a government that can't even keep charles manson from dealing drugs in prison, let alone control the 1 rifle, 1 bullet, and 1 madman that may be the next "terror alert".

Hence, the perpetual, never ending "war on terror"... which is no different than the "war on poverty" or the "war on drugs", in that it is a government program. And, as Ronald Reagan said, there s nothing so close to eternal life on earth as a government program...

Federalist said...

I am always interested in the Constitutional basis for arguments for or against something. This would be either the U.S. or state constitutions depending on the issue.

As for the war, you can't get a good critical analysis of it from anywhere, including the writings on this blog (or at least the ones I have read).

I would suggest you take the time to put your arguments in a form that allows people the opportunity to decide if someone is a criminal, a jerk, stupid or whatever.

When you pass judgement in advance (and I am not angel in this regard), you are only stumping for support. You are not really educating people.

I have heard the war called illegal. I have heard the last five wars called illegal. What is the basis for that ? This is a serious question. I really don't know the answer.

I was not in favor the invasion. I do not think GWB has lead well. If the war is illegal, I would like to know.

By the way, what was Reagan's covert operation in Latin America ? Was that legal ?


Mike4Freedom said...

The last five wars were illegal because only congress can declare war and that didn't happen in any war since WW2.

They were a little ashamed of it during Korea so they called it a police action. That did not fool anyone.

Since then they overcame their shame. Things are going from bad to really worse each day.

Our freedom is now truly at risk, not from terrorists but from the federal government. It no longer recognizes any limits to its activities. We and congress need to stop the president and make him and the whole executive branch obey the constitition NOW!

Due process is not optional! The rules of evidence and jury trials are not optional!