Saturday, October 21, 2006

Why Do People Support Tyranny?

In the course of manning our Libertarian outreach booths and during campaigning for public office, I occasionally run into people who are adamantly opposed to freedom. Sometimes this is general and sometimes it is rather specific. The three specific questions where this happens the most are education, drugs and gun control.

I am always trying to figure out why others come up with such different conclusions than I do on these topics. First, I am always checking my own conclusions based on any new facts. I am always looking for that one overwhelming and devastating argument that will convince my opponents of the error of their ways. That is why I never get angry at people who argue with me; I see it as a learning opportunity.

I recently had such an encounter on the subject of concealed carry of guns in Kansas. Of course, the constitutional argument was powerless against this individual. He thought he was protecting his children by blocking concealed carry of weapons. How do I make him understand that the real danger to his children does not come from the rare and random nut who decides to shoot up an area? Do I tell him that if there was a good supply of armed citizens in the area, the nut will not live to get his second shot off? That will probably not work for the simple reason that his life experience does not include such incidents. That is a consequence of the rarity of the occurrence in the first place.

If he knew history well, he would know that the real risk to his children will come from the government. Those of us well schooled in the history of how governments go awry see all the signs around us and wonder how little time we have left before the police state closes down and the disappearances start happening. How do you explain to someone who got his watered down history from public schools that widespread gun ownership and the unquestioned ability to carry those guns wherever you go is the only thing that will stop a runaway government.

He doesn't even know that all the great genocides of the twentieth century started with gun control. You cannot commit genocide against an armed population. He doesn't see that as a realistic risk to his children because he never learned the important details of history.

You get the same line of thought with drug prohibition. "We have to protect the children". Why do they not understand that the drug war is what is endangering their children? Occasional drug use does not have anywhere near the consequences of being arrested for drug use. Prohibition makes the worst part of society wealthy and powerful. It encourages all sorts of secondary crime to pay the high prices of black market drugs that would be dirt cheap if legal. Worst of all, it gives the government the excuse to violate other rights under the "War on Drugs" banner. Overall, drug prohibition is all bad stuff but people blindly accept it to "protect their kids" from themselves. How have you protected your kid when he gets a criminal record for smoking a joint?

1 comment:

Federalist said...


I really enjoy reading Thomas Sowell's books. He is very well thought out.

In one of his books, he talks about getting people to think beyond stage other words thinking about the long term consequences of their choices. This is not something liberals are good at. It seems that conservatives (including libertarians) are moving more in that direction.

What gets me about this thread is that it deals with perspectives about issues that are very much at the end of a long long list of really stupid decisions.

With respect to gun control. I am not a fan of guns. But the 2nd amendment is the 2nd amendment and I would never vote against the basic right to own guns. I recall having a discussion with someone about this and them bringing up the idea of people owning "laws", or however you say it, rockets. While it may have sounded silly, I said I did not see a problem with that.

Along with that (and I extended this to all guns) is that if a someobody uses a rocket or gun in to commit a crime then they automaticlly get the chair, the gas chamber, the firiing squad, or whatever. But then if they use a knife to do the same thing, they get the same result. When we refuse to hold people accountable we get what we have today.

To you point about drugs. Think of the ways we have taken accountability away from parents and put it in other places. Drugs get sold because people want them. I am not in favor of legalizing drugs. Not until we get some other things in place first.

Alcohol is a drug. You kill somebody while driving drunk, you follow the gun using fellon to the electric chair. Smoking is a drug. You smoke, you don't get government help with you lung cancer (medicare). You use drugs and destroy your life, we are not going to bail you out. And I don't want to hear about heartless this is. If I have sympathy for the person who screws up their own lives, I will help them personally. But for those who don't want to help....they loose their freedoms when they are forced to pay for the consequences of others poor choices.

Good luck reading all this blithering.