Cynics might just conclude that is the purpose of the sudden interest in immigration. There surely is no crisis, since people have been sneaking over the border for decades.
I would ask those of you who favor mass deportation, fences or similar measures, just what is bothering you:
- Are you worried the Mexicans might benefit from our welfare state policies?
- Are you worried that they might take your job by working cheaper than you are willing to?
- Are you worried that terrorists might sneak across our poorly patrolled border?
I am upset that they might benefit from our welfare state but I am just as upset that native born Americans benefit from the welfare state. Taking money at the point of a government gun (the only way that taxes are collected) to hand out to anyone is just theft. The existence of such a system is our shame and no reason to deny immigrants entry.
BTW, the stress on the adjective, illegal, is pretty silly. Congress passes foolish and immoral laws all the time. Treating those laws as holy gospel is stupid. The only reason for Mexicans to sneak in is a quota system that limits immigration by country of origin. Many Europeon quotas go unused while the Mexican quota has a 16 year waiting list.
If we eliminate that quota limitation, people who want to work can come in legally, get all the proper paperwork to work and pay taxes and be treated the same as everyone else. We can then have a meaningful approval system checking for communicable diseases, criminal records and such. You might remember, this was how the grandparents of much of today's population came here after each War.
They will produce and consume just like everyone else and grow our economy to everyone's benefit. If we get rid of that immoral welfare state, there will be no cost, only benefit. The immigrants will self select. Only those wanting to work will come. With no welfare available, others will not come.
Building a fence is truly idiotic. Just look at a map and note the two huge borders and the two ocean seaboards. Do you really want barbed wire traps across every beach on both oceans? Closing our border is just not doable and you wouldn't want to live in a nation that tried.
The national security argument is pretty silly as well. The terrorists that might actually do some damage have money. They have enough money to buy whatever documents they need to come in through the front door. They do not need to risk their lives walking across the desert.
Individual people are free agents, no matter where they were born. That means they are free to come and go as they please, do business with whomever will do business with them and live free as long as they do not impose themselves by force. We commit a grave offense when we interfere at the point of a government gun.
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