Thursday, June 22, 2006

Let's solve two problems at once

Everyone is all upset about the large number of illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico, that live in our nation.

I, being a leading edge member of the baby boom generation, worry about not getting the social security benefits that I paid dearly for during the last 40 years. We boomers apparently did not have enough children to support us through payroll taxes on the working generation.

Here is a suggestion that would solve both problems.

The reason that Mexicans come here without visas is that there is a quota limiting the number of immigrants per year. There is a waiting list of 16 years to come in legally from Mexico. Let us open the quotas up and let, for example all able bodied Mexicans between the ages of 20 and 40 come in legally, get all the needed permits, visas and social security cards. Then they can openly take jobs, pay taxes, open bank accounts and everything else that any American can do. Ten or twenty million productive, tax paying additional citizens just might put off the social security collapse by several decades.

To be honest, we would have to warn them that they have little chance of collecting social security benefits that they will have paid for. Us boomers will be taking that money, but they just might want to come anyway.

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