Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Freedom vs Tyranny-Your Choice

I see all sorts of letters to the editor where liberals blame conservatives for our problems and Democrats blame Republicans and vice versa. I am here to say that those terms do not mean very much. So-called conservative George Bush spent money like a drunken sailor on foolish wars and bailouts and then liberal Barack Obama spends money like two drunken sailors continuing the foolish wars and even more bailouts. The one thing they all have in common is growing the size and power of the government with one story or another. I rate them all as tyrants and not fit to run a free nation.

We need a new breed of politician who wants to shrink government to its proper size and function, as defined in the constitution. I would rate such a person as a freedom lover and that is the only type of politician that we should allow to run our country.

So you decide, tyrant or freedom lover-based on what they have done in their lives, not what they say in the heat of a campaign. And if the Democrats and Republicans both give you only tyrants to choose from, go to the third parties and don't worry about wasting your vote. A vote for either tyrant is much worse than wasting a vote.

The Libertarian Party is just waiting for you'all to understand that freedom is the most important value you have. No government giveaways or social control of others is worth giving it up.

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