Sunday, September 03, 2006

My issues

Like all good politicians, I have chosen three issues to concentrate on during the campaign. I assure you that I have opinions on many other issues. But here goes.

I am running for the Kansas House of Representatives for district 17. This covers parts of Lenexa and Shawnee in Johnson County.

As a Libertarian, my first value is individual freedom. Republicans and Democrats all promise you big government solutions to our problems. They are always telling us that if we give them just a little more in taxes everything will be great. History teaches us that big government solutions are expensive and don’t work.
If elected, I will be a voice for your rights, all your rights, all the time. I want to hand a free nation over to my kids and yours. Aren’t you disappointed in how poorly the other two parties have served your interests?

1. If you are interested in protecting your property rights, I am your man. Property rights are fundamental to securing all other rights. Eminent domain abuse has to be prevented in no uncertain terms. It cannot be left up to political decision making. This requires a state constitutional amendment. My opponent voted against such an amendment and voted instead for an ineffective substitute.

2. If you are interested in real improvements in educational opportunities for your kids, I have a novel idea for you to consider. In everything else we do, we depend on competition to get us the best quality at the lowest price. That is the right choice for education as well. I propose that every parent have the option to take their kid and the money for his education to the school of the parent’s choice-public, private, parochial or to cover home school expenses. No longer will you be locked into your assigned neighborhood school. They will have to compete for your business with a quality education. What recourse do you have now if your neighborhood school is doing a bad job? With my plan, you will have plenty of options. I don’t expect that this will be a permanent solution but rather a transition path to the ultimate separation of school and state. Many benefits will come from this including a huge monetary saving and the end to the fights over what is taught in public schools. Every parent will decide for their own kids.

3. If you are concerned about medical freedom, Libertarians are the only party that supports you all the way. We will support no interference in medical research such as the use of stem cells. You have no idea how many people you might be killing when you delay a medical discovery.

Patients that can derive medical benefits from marijuana should not have to fear arrest. We do not have the right to use the power and guns of government to interfere. It is a terrible evil to deny sick people a medicine that can help them deal with their problems.

If you want freedom, vote for freedom. Vote Libertarian!

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