Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What Are They Smoking?

I sometimes wonder what the Republican mainstream is thinking. Are they thinking at all? Are they all under the influence of some dastardly drug? Maybe the Democrats drugged them to induce this idiotic self destructive behavior.

How can they expect to win an election with a pro-war candidate? Yet they have put up 9 pro-war candidates and apparently are holding 2 more pro-war candidates in the wings. They ridicule their one and only anti-war candidate.

The Republican candidate will be up against an anti-war Democrat (of variable degree of believability) in November of 2008. Do they really think the public will vote for more war by then? The war is an increasing disaster. It will be unbearable by 2008.

The results will be a Democratic victory and we will then suffer all the other baggage that comes from economically illiterate Democrats. We will have socialized medicine and more welfare state generally. It will be a disaster.

Making sure that Ron Paul is the nominee is an absolute necessity. Any pro-war candidate is idiocy of the first degree.

As a Libertarian, I should probably shut up and watch the Republicans commit party suicide, but I cannot remain silent when the risk to the nation is so great.

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