Sunday, June 03, 2007

Who Is Ron Paul?

Today's title is an unabashed reference to Atlas Shrugged. Who is John Galt? That question permeated the book. Of course, if you persevered, you eventually met the hero of the book and the savior of civilization from the dark cloud of collectivism.

I don't know if Ron Paul can save us from the death of civilization that big government collectivism is leading us to. It may be too late. Nevertheless, we had better give him a chance.

In the past, the two party duopoly got people to vote for the lesser evil over and over again by keeping the existence of a libertarian alternative a secret. If anyone asked, he was told that he would be wasting his vote on the Libertarian and he should pick the lesser evil of the duopoly.

Election after election, the lesser evil won and the evil consequences have cumulatively put us into a precarious situation. Total government debt, including all the welfare entitlements, now exceeds the net worth of the entire nation (that of the government and of the people).

What is different this time is the libertarian alternative is running with a major party label. Of course, the main line Republicans can't stand this and will do their best to kill the only chance the nation has to break free from the evil of the two party lesser evil choice. For the most part, they are using the 'ignore him' approach. I suppose we will see how well that works for them.

The polls are giving mixed results. The polls taken immediately after a debate from debate viewers give Paul the lead. Polls taken of the nation as a whole do not. It appears that name recognition is the difference.

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